About Eastern Highlands Province

The province is characterised with highland valleys, hills and mountain ranges generally varying from 1500 meters to 2700 meters above sea level. However, most people live and farm within a narrow range of 1500 - 2000 meters. The province divides into two on the basis of physical environment and level of development. Most people in the northern half of the province can reach Goroka town within hours whilst those living in the southern part are very remote and most require at least one day to reach the nearest service centre.

Political, Social and Economic Developments
The Eastern Highlands Province has changed rapidly over the last decade, both favourably and adversely. Even though the province has experienced much deterioration of its infrastructure in all sectors and rising social problems, the province currently experiences a sound political state and is constructively confronting the pressing issues and concerns under new leadership.Through good governance and administration, effective and efficient distribution of resources and delivery of services, and constructive initiatives to minimize rising social problems and boost investor confidence, the state of the province can be improved.

The provincial Division of Education under the Provincial Government aims to uphold the National Education policies, goals, objectives and strategies, in order to provide education opportunities for the people through appropriate relevant avenues. The provincial education policies and their implementation need only be given appropriate concern and priority in order to achieve the best possible output, and that is an educated and literate Eastern Highlands.